都市形成のシミュレーションをしてみよう(3):「自己組織化の経済学」 ポール・クルーグマン




1) コンパイルのためのシェルスクリプト 

(make_1dkl1.sh という名前でコピーペーストして保存していただきたい)


$ sh make_1dkl1.sh

と実行する。edge_city.1d.x という実行ファイルが作成される。

make_1dkl1.sh (1次元で求心力の及ぶ範囲が広い場合)

#! /bin/sh

F90OPT='-O3 -DKL1'

$F90 $F90OPT -c cal_inidens.F90
$F90 $F90OPT -c cal_potential.F90
$F90 $F90OPT -c edge_city.F90

$F90 $F90OPT -o $PGM *.o

rm -f *.o

 make_1dkl2.sh (1次元で求心力の及ぶ範囲が狭い場合)

#! /bin/sh

F90OPT='-O3 -DKL2'

$F90 $F90OPT -c cal_inidens.F90
$F90 $F90OPT -c cal_potential.F90
$F90 $F90OPT -c edge_city.F90

$F90 $F90OPT -o $PGM *.o

rm -f *.o

make_2dkl1.sh (2次元で求心力の及ぶ範囲が広い場合)

#! /bin/sh


$F90 $F90OPT -c cal_inidens.F90
$F90 $F90OPT -c cal_potential.F90
$F90 $F90OPT -c edge_city.F90

$F90 $F90OPT -o $PGM *.o

rm -f *.o



2) プログラム

a) edge_city.F90 メインプログラム



-DKL1 (求心力の及ぶ反映が広い場合)

-DKL2 (求心力の及ぶ範囲が狭い場合)

-DTWODIM (2次元の場合)

-DKL2A47 (KL2の場合で、中心に求心力がはたらきその大きさがA=4.7)

-DKL2A48 (KL2の場合で、中心に求心力がはたらきその大きさがA=4.8)

program edge_city
#ifdef TWODIM
  integer, parameter :: im = 24, jm = 24
  integer, parameter :: im = 24, jm = 1 ! 1D; also see cal_potential.f90
  real, parameter :: dt = 0.1
  real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265
  real :: smooth, scale, presum, nowsum
  real :: A(im,jm), B(im,jm), dens(im,jm), r1, r2, gamma
  real :: potential(im,jm), potential_mean
  real :: tend1(im,jm), tend2(im,jm), tend3(im,jm), tend4(im,jm)
  real :: dens1(im,jm), dens2(im,jm), dens3(im,jm), dens4(im,jm)
  real :: mask(im,jm), dist, radius
  integer :: step, stepend
  character (len=5) :: cha
  mask(:,:) = 1.
  radius = im/2
  do j = 1, jm
    do i = 1, im
      dist = sqrt(float((i-im/2)**2+(j-jm/2)**2))
      if(dist > radius) mask(i,j) = 0.
    end do
  end do
  stepend = 100000
  scale = 1.
  smooth = 5.
  gamma = 1.

  A = 0.2
  B = 1.0
  r1 = 1.0
  r2 = 1.0

#ifdef KL1
  r1 = 1.4
  r2 = 0.2

#ifdef KL2
  r1 = 2.8
  r2 = 0.4

#ifdef KL2A48
  write(6,*) 'center A KL2C4'
  do j = 1, jm
    do i = 1, im
      A(i,j) = 4.8 * exp(-sqrt(float((i-im/2)**2+(j-jm/2)**2))*2.*pi/im*2.8)
    end do
  end do

#ifdef KL2A47
  write(6,*) 'center A KL2C5'
  do j = 1, jm
    do i = 1, im
      A(i,j) = 4.7 * exp(-sqrt(float((i-im/2)**2+(j-jm/2)**2))*2.*pi/im*2.8)
    end do
  end do

  do j = jm, 1, -1
    write(6,'(24(x,i3))') ((int(A(i,j)*10.)),i=1,im,1)
  end do
  write(6,*) 'r1 r2 A B ', r1, r2, A(1,1), B(1,1)
  write(6,*) 'r1/r2 A/B r2/r1 ', r1/r2, A(1,1)/B(1,1), r2/r1
  call cal_inidens(dens,mask,smooth,scale,im,jm)
  do j = jm, 1, -1
    write(6,'(24(x,i3))') ((int(dens(i,j)*100.)),i=1,im,1)
  end do
  presum = 10.
  do step = 1, stepend
    call cal_potential(potential,potential_mean,dens,mask,A,B,r1,r2,im,jm)
    tend1(:,:) = gamma * (potential(:,:) - potential_mean) * dens(:,:)
    dens2(:,:) = dens(:,:) + 0.5 * dt * tend1(:,:)
    call cal_potential(potential,potential_mean,dens2,mask,A,B,r1,r2,im,jm)
    tend2(:,:) = gamma * (potential(:,:) - potential_mean) * dens2(:,:)
    dens3(:,:) = dens(:,:) + 0.5 * dt * tend2(:,:)
    call cal_potential(potential,potential_mean,dens3,mask,A,B,r1,r2,im,jm)
    tend3(:,:) = gamma * (potential(:,:) - potential_mean) * dens3(:,:)
    dens4(:,:) = dens(:,:) + dt * tend3(:,:)
    call cal_potential(potential,potential_mean,dens4,mask,A,B,r1,r2,im,jm)
    tend4(:,:) = gamma * (potential(:,:) - potential_mean) * dens4(:,:)
    dens(:,:) = dens(:,:) + dt/6. * &
 &               (tend1(:,:) + 2.*tend2(:,:) + 2.*tend3(:,:) + tend4(:,:))
    dens(:,:) = dens(:,:)/sum(dens)
    nowsum = 0.5*(sum(dt * abs(tend1)) + presum)
    if(nowsum < 1.e-6) exit
    if(mod(step,100) == 0) then
       write(6,*) 'step ', step, nowsum, presum, sum(dens)
       do j = jm, 1, -1
         write(6,'(24(x,i3))') ((int(dens(i,j)*100.)),i=1,im,1)
       end do
       call flush(6)
    end if
    presum = nowsum
    if(mod(step,100) == 0) then
      write(cha,'(i5.5)') int(step*dt)
      do j = jm, 1, -1
        write(10,'(24(x,f10.7))') (dens(i,j),i=1,im,1)
      end do
     end if
  end do
  write(6,*) '### dt end ', sum(dt * abs(tend1))
  write(6,*) '### step tend dens ', step, sum(abs(tend4)), sum(dens)
  do j = jm, 1, -1
    write(6,'(24(x,i3))') ((int(dens(i,j)*100.)),i=1,im,1)
  end do
  do j = jm, 1, -1
    write(10,'(24(x,f10.7))') (dens(i,j),i=1,im,1)
  end do

b) cal_inidens.F90 初期値作成

  subroutine cal_inidens(dens,mask,smooth,scale,im,jm)
  integer, intent(in) :: im, jm
  real, intent(in) :: smooth, scale, mask(im,jm)
  real, intent(out) :: dens(im,jm)
  real :: ran(im,jm), sum
  integer :: i, j
  sum = 0.
  call random_number(ran)
  do j = 1, jm
    do i = 1, im
      dens(i,j) = (ran(i,j) + smooth) * scale * mask(i,j)
      sum = sum + dens(i,j)
    end do
  end do
  dens(:,:) = dens(:,:) / sum
  end subroutine cal_inidens

c) cal_potential.F90 動学モデル(1)の右辺にある項(2)の計算を行うサブルーチン

  subroutine cal_potential(potential,potential_mean,dens,mask,A,B,r1,r2,im,jm)
  integer, intent(in) :: im, jm
  real, intent(in) :: A(im,jm), B(im,jm), dens(im,jm), mask(im,jm), r1, r2
  real, intent(out) :: potential(im,jm), potential_mean
  real :: dist, dist1, dist2, dist3
  integer i, j, m, n
  real, parameter :: pi = 3.14159265
  potential(:,:) = 0.
  potential_mean = 0.
  do j = 1, jm
    do i = 1, im
       do n = 1, jm
         do m = 1, im
#ifdef TWODIM
           dist = sqrt(float((n - j)**2 + (m - i)**2))*2.*pi/im
           dist1 = sqrt(float((n - j)**2 + (m - i)**2))*2.*pi/im
           dist2 = sqrt(float((n - j)**2 + (m-im -i)**2))*2.*pi/im
           dist3 = sqrt(float((n - j)**2 + (m+im -i)**2))*2.*pi/im
           dist = min(dist1,dist2,dist3)
           potential(i,j) = potential(i,j)               &
 &                         +(A(i,j) * exp(-r1 * dist)    &
 &                           - B(i,j) * exp(-r2 * dist)) &
 &                          * dens(m,n) * mask(i,j)
         end do
       end do
       potential(i,j) = mask(i,j) * potential(i,j)
       potential_mean = potential_mean + potential(i,j) * dens(i,j)
    end do
  end do
  end subroutine cal_potential

3) 可視化シェルスクリプト

a) tplot.sh (1次元) ($ sh tplot.sh を実行すると、時間変化を含めてすべての状態を可視化する)

#! /bin/sh

cat stepdt.0*.txt > stepdt.all.txt


cat <$GNP
  set output '$EPS'
  set term postscript eps enhanced color 12
  set view 60,300
  set ticslevel 2
  set pm3d at sb
  set cntrparam bspline 
  set palette rgbformulae 22, 13, -31
  set xtics font 'Helvetica,24'
  set xlabel 'position'
  set xlabel font 'Helvetica,24'
  set ytics font 'Helvetica,24'
  set ylabel 'iteration (X 100)'
  set ylabel font 'Helvetica,24'
  set nokey
  splot 'stepdt.$STEP.txt' matrix with lines

gnuplot $GNP

convert -trim $EPS $PNG

b) splot.sh (2次元) ($ sh splot.sh 002760 などとして実行する。各ステップ数のスナップショットを描画する)

#! /bin/sh

cat <$GNP
  set output '$EPS'
  set term postscript eps color
  set view 60,15
  set ticslevel 2
  set pm3d at sb
  set cntrparam bspline 
  set palette rgbformulae 22, 13, -31
  set xlabel 'position'
  set xlabel font 'Helvetica,24'
  set xtics font 'Helvetica,24'
  set ylabel 'position'
  set ylabel font 'Helvetica,24'
  set ytics font 'Helvetica,24'
  set nokey
  splot 'stepdt.$STEP.txt' matrix with lines

gnuplot $GNP

convert -trim $EPS $PNG